For many years, ICEL S.r.l. has been producing the PHB and PMC series of metallized polypropylene film capacitors (MKP), respectively radial in box, and in box with lug terminals.
With the improvement of the requirements and quality standards imposed over the years by ICEL S.r.l. on its products, new series has been introduced some years ago, following the evolution of the market’s requirements, using new design and materials: RHB and RMC.
These series represent an improvement in terms of performances and reliability. Moreover, the production is much more efficient, because the new products are intrinsically more homogeneous and constant in their quality levels, reducing also by default the potential failure rate.
So, ICEL S.r.l. has taken the decision to gradually put at least a part of PHB and PMC series range as obsolescent, to be replaced by the “new” correspondent series RHB and RMC (published and available at catalogue since 2018).
For the PHB or PMC currently produced there is a possible substitution among RHB or RMC series, typically advantageous on several aspects (dimensions, ratings, nominal capacitance, etc.), without impacting the price.
We therefore solicit you to request samples and pre-series for any possible homologation need: ICEL S.r.l. provides total support for the identification of the replacement product.
ICEL S.r.l. ensures the availability of new products to prevent any inconvenience and possible production delays for the customers.
ICEL S.r.l. technical and commercial offices are at your complete disposal for any clarification and support you may need.