ICEL tells itself (through the technicians' eyes)

Today Walter Mariani (Quality Engineering Manager) and Andrea Favareto (R&D Manager, Field Application Scientist) tells us about the company it from their point of view.
We are in the technical area: the laboratory is the heart of ICEL, the place where new technologies are developed, produced and tested.
Walter works in the company since 1986: "37 years is a lifetime and, for me, ICEL is home".
But even Andrea, who came in 2017, already has the same feeling: "when I arrived here I wished to work in a familiar and motivating environment and in fact I found a team that welcomed me and made available a large space for experimentation and innovation".

The evolution of ICEL  

Walter, thanks to his long experience in the company, tells us that he saw it grow: "we started with good technology and handicraft production. Over the years we have grown together with the market and have focused on the design and development of new machinery and processes, also giving great importance to automation. 
Today our technology is at the highest level, just like that of the big international players but, in addition, we have the plus of a family structure that makes us much more agile and flexible.

"Every day we fulfill special requests that do not have catalog solutions.
In these cases we start from the need of the customer and intervene with small customizations or with the creation of real tailor-made products", adds Andrea.

Innovating the entire supply chain

"Creating new technological solutions is a process that can involve the entire supply chain," says Walter, "because it starts from the selection of new materials, necessary for new processes and new machinery that give birth to new products, such as those that we have created to increase productivity and safety even in critical conditions of temperature and humidity".
"It is precisely in these market niches that ICEL directs the development, offering products with superior performance than traditional ones," concludes Andrea.

New standards for the market

Andrea and Walter explain that "when a customer exposes us a need not only produces a solution for itself, but it acts as a valid stimulus to all our R&D, which is activated and oriented to the creation of useful alternatives for the whole market. 
This happened when, a few years ago, we produced an original solution that solved the technical problem of a customer. The same solution, recognized as universally valid, was immediately adopted by our competitors and today is a standard all over the world".

There is pride and desire to do well in the words of Walter and Andrea, as well as a very practical and customer-centric way of living the everyday life in the Company.

The technology of the greatest with the size of a family, ready to listen, solve, grow together.


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