Katia: regeneration and assembly

Katia works, in ICEL, in the production department and tells us about her (first) 20 years here.

I knocked on this door in March 2004. I was a young girl and today, being 40 years old, I can say that I grew up here.

What was your first role?

From day one I was assigned to the line where I currently work, which is the one dedicated to regeneration and assembly.
Of course, at that time I was not able to manage it on my own, and Alessandra helped me, teaching how to do it.

And today, compared to then, has the work changed?

Yes of course. The line has evolved. For example, before the piece came down on small cardboard slats, today this step is done through new aluminum slats, with automatic grippers moved by a special cylinder, so that the entry of the terminal into the slat is more precisely regulated.

And has your role evolved?

Today I am completely autonomous on "my" line and I also have a wealth of knowledge about the entire process. Since that first day, I have learned to use almost every production line because, in the culture of the company, it is important that every employee knows all the steps of the process, then specializing in one of them. This way we are able to be a back up for our colleagues in case of need, and this is a way to ensure continuity of production and meet delivery schedules to customers.

What gives you satisfaction in your work?

What makes me happy is trust. There are occasions when my assignments go beyond actual production and also take on aspects of coordination and organization. In this case I am free to organize the work, and the satisfaction is great when I am recognized for a good result.

What about your satisfactions in your personal life?

Their names are Thomas and Jacopo and they are my sons, whom I strongly sought and wanted.
Today they are 8 years and 14 months old and it is also thanks to the company that I have been able to manage two complex motherhoods. I am a good mom but also a good worker and this is also possible thanks to a relationship with the owners made of mutual attention and availability, evident, for example, in the agreed management of a work timing that allows me to be present both here and at home.

What about the future?

I would like to stay in ICEL until retirement because I am comfortable here, it is like having a second family. 
I spent 20 years of my life here and I would do it again.


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