Current plastic film capacitor technology has definitely reached a high level of maturity and, according to some, is approaching a standstill, where further incremental improvements will be next to impossible.
We disagree.
While it is true that technology in this area is expected to make moderate progress, it is equally true that innovation and improvement is still possible, in particular by focusing on material optimization, production processes and related quality control.
Development of new dielectric materials
One of the main directions of our R&D is the scouting of new materials, including new dielectrics. The aim is to find materials that can offer comparable or even better performance than today in terms of power handling, and that guarantee optimum performance and reliability even under extreme operating conditions, i.e. outside the currently permitted ranges.
High-performance dielectrics at high temperatures
ICEL has long been investing in research into dielectrics that allow significantly higher operating temperatures than polypropylene while maintaining similar electrical characteristics.
This would open up unprecedented operational horizons, offering customers reliable, high-performance components capable of operating in conditions previously deemed prohibitive.
Go for testing
Our contribution to the market is not only theoretical. Numerous tests are already underway in our laboratory to develop and qualify products with characteristics that represent a genuine and decisive breakthrough compared to current market standards. The goal is to expand our customers' possibilities by offering them true innovation that complements our established product range, which is subject to continuous optimization.
Our development is, as always, aimed at raising operating standards and seeking quality that translates into safety with regard to the economic impact.
Stay tuned for upcoming updates!
The ICEL ‘heroes
This year, we decided to tell the story of our progress, goals and values by having them personified by ‘heroes’.
Today's hero, therefore, is the scientist, the one who breaks the boundaries of the obvious in order to seek, in the unexplored, new solutions. The scientist lives every day in ICEL's purposes and in our choices.
Looking forward to the next hero...